Enrollment Agreement Form – Group Discount Applied

Enrollment Agreement- Apprentice -In-Training (Group Discount)

  • Advanced Laser Institute

    919 W. Gray St. Houston, TX 77019
  • Max. file size: 5 MB.
  • Max. file size: 5 MB.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
    If you do not have a CPR Certificate, please upload a letter stating that you will be enrolling in the course while completing the online lecture.
  • 40-Hr. Apprentice-In-Training

  • 40 Contact Hours:

  • Tuition $599

  • [3% convenience fee is applied to all major credit card payments] Any holder of this consumer credit contract is subject to all claims and defenses which the debtor could assert against the seller of goods or services obtained pursuant hereto or with the proceeds hereof. Recovery hereunder by the debtor shall not exceed the amounts paid by the debtor hereunder. “

    A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 72 hours (until midnight of the third day) after the enrollment contract is signed. The school will not retain more than $100 in any administrative fees charged, as well as items of extra expense that are necessary for the portion of the program attended and stated separately on the enrollment agreement.

    1. Refund computations will be based on the period of enrollment computed on basis of course time (40 hrs). 2. The effective date of termination for refund purposes will be the earliest of the following: (a) the last date of attendance; or (b) the date of receipt of written notice from the student. 3. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of entrance, and the student does not enter school, not more than $100 shall be retained by the school. 4. If the student fails to enter the program, withdraws, or is discontinued at any time before completion of the program, the student will be refunded the pro rata portion of tuition, fees, and other charges that the number of class hours remaining in the program after the effective date of termination bears to the total number of class hours in the program. 5. A full refund of all tuition and fees is due in each of the following cases: (a) an enrollee is not accepted by the school; (b) if the program of instruction is discontinued by the school and this prevents the student from completing the program; or (c) if the student’s enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentations by the owner or representatives of the school. 6. REFUND POLICY FOR STUDENTS CALLED TO ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE A student of the school or college who withdraws from the school or college as a result of the student being called to active duty in a military service of the United States or the Texas National Guard may elect one of the following options for each program in which the student is enrolled: (a) if tuition and fees are collected in advance of the withdrawal, a pro rata refund of any tuition, fees, or other charges paid by the student for the program and a cancellation of any unpaid tuition, fees, or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the program the student does not complete following withdrawal; (b) a grade of incomplete with the designation “withdrawn-military” for the courses in the program, other than courses for which the student has previously received a grade on the student’s transcript, and the right to re-enroll in the program, or a substantially equivalent program if that program is no longer without payment of additional tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than any previously unpaid balance of the original tuition, fees, and charges for books for the program; or (c) the assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in the program, but only if the instructor or instructors of the program determine that the student has: (1) satisfactorily completed at least 90 percent of the required coursework for the program; and (2) demonstrated sufficient mastery of the program material to receive credit for completing the program. 7. Refunds will be totally consummated within 60 days after the effective date of termination.
    Approved and regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges, Austin, Texas. I certify that I have been provided all the information above prior to my enrollment. By signing this document, I acknowledge receipt of this school catalog and a copy of this completed enrollment agreement. If I did not receive a hard copy of the catalog and/or this enrollment agreement, I understand the school will provide them at my request. By providing my electronic signature below, I acknowledge that this enrollment agreement becomes effective on the date listed below.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Enrollment Form